Saturday, September 30, 2006

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Cross Country Season

I always get excited this time of year, because it leads up to my very favourite series of races, the Calgary Roadrunners Cross Country Grand Prix.

I ran my first of these races in October 2000 and have run 51 more of them since then. I've even branched out into other XC races, and enjoy the sport so much that I recently ran my 60th cross country race last weekend (Stats here).

When I was doing my flat, pavement-ridden marathon training last spring I craved dirt trails and grassy hills. I actually longed for roots and rocks through shady groves of trees. Even mud puddles and creeks became attractive. Funny, what marathon training will do to the psyche...

Providing I can heal up nicely before and between this winter's races, I'm thinking I might need to try a trail race longer than 16 km next summer. Any suggestions?